The NBCF Walk/Run of Faith September 21st "Taking a Repass through the Past"
A commemorative 5-mile walk/run that retraces the New Beginnings history from Renton High School to Lindberg High School, to the current Kent Campus. The event will begin with a Rally in the Renton HS Cafeteria and will conclude with a “Refuel Reception” Celebration in the New Beginnings Family Life Center. Awards will be given to everyone who “finishes the course”. (Rally in the RHS Cafeteria).
- Choose From 3 Different Walking Routes - Wear Your 20th Anniversary T-Shirt - Pre-Walk Rally with Transport to Starting Point of Your Walk - Finish With A Celebration and Cook-Out At NBCF! - Not Walking? There are Volunteer Opportunities for you!
Where: New Beginnings Christian Fellowship
Time: Check in opens at 8am
Pre-Rally and Warm up at 8:30 Buses depart 9:15am (If you miss the bus, you will have to participate as a Perimeter DON'T MISS the BUS)
**Dress for the weather, wear good walking shoes and your 20th Anniversary T-shirt. There will be health and safety checkpoints along the way...bring your phones**