19300 108th Ave SE, Kent, WA, 98031
New Beginnings Christian Fellowship is a Christ centered ministry. We continue to move forward in our service to Christ as a growing an vibrant faith community that is passionate in our worship, vigorous in our Christian labors, sacrificial in our giving, committed to the well-being of our community, uncompromising in the pursuit of God' justice, and always looking for an opportunity to tell a weary soul that:
New Beginnings Christian Fellowship
19300 108th Ave SE
Kent, WA 98031
(425) 282-6220
Sunday Worship Service
9:30 AM
Sunday Church School
Toddler & Pre-School
9:30 AM
Grades 1-12
9:30 AM
Awana (Zoom)
Pre- K - 5th Grade
Thursday 6:00 PM
F.R.E.S.H 1:16 Ministry
Middle & High School Youth
4th Sunday's 9:30 AM
New Members Class
4th Sunday's 1-2 PM
Please check Events for any changes.