Weekly Live Worship Broadcast
Every Sunday, 8:45 AM - 1:30 PM
The Congregational Care Ministry (under the direction of the Deacons Ministry) exists to assist the Pastor in carrying out the missions of the church and to provide spiritual leadership and support to the congregation.
The greatest among you will be your servant...... Matthew 23:11
The Deacon Ministry exists to assist the pastor in carrying out the ministry of the church and to provide spiritual leadership and support to the congregation. This charge is provided through the listed categories here under Congregational Care.
The Care Callers Ministry extends and immediately thanks those visitors who complete the visitor’s card. Visitors are prayerfully encouraged to unite with NBCF.
The 24 Hour Intercessory Prayer Ministry ensures that NBCF members are covered on a continuous basis through the 24-hour prayer line and prayer requests left in the Prayer Vessel. Also, prayer requests received through email and voice mail.
The Baptism Ministry prepares candidates for the Divine Ordinance of Baptism. They teach required Baptism classes; advise of Baptism Service, provide age appropriate bibles and baptism certificates.
The Sick Visitation Ministry offers visitation to members who are hospitalized, persons convalescing at home or skilled nursing residence from an illness. Lord's Supper provided upon request from a member of the Board of Deacons
The Deacon Shepherds Mentor to Member Candidates in a one-on-one relationship of trust, confidence, and friendship through prayer, help, guide, answering questions or, referring them to resources if desired.
The Benevolence Ministry minister to the immediate human needs of members of NBCF and then to the community as it pertains to food, housing and, utilities, as they are able. Provide referrals to agencies beyond NBCF.