Monday, April 08, 2024, 10:00 AM - Sunday, May 26, 2024, 11:59 PM
2024-2025 Scholarship Application |
Scholarship Application Here
Our Mission
The NBCF Scholarship Ministry seeks to provide financial assistance to our active members who are or will be attending an accredited college, university, trade school, vocational school, or technical school.
Qualifications for Scholarship Eligibility:
1. Be a member of NBCF, per NBCF Membership Standards (Article IV, Section 3 of NBCF By-Laws), for at least two years prior to the application deadline.
2. Enrollment in an accredited college, university, trade school, vocational school, or technical school.
3. A minimum of 2.5 GPA
4. Regular attendance in worship.
5. Regular, verifiable participation in an NBCF ministry.
6. Regular financial support of NBCF (if adult)
7. Applicant must secure a Letter of Reference from at least one NBCF Ministry Lead confirming your faithful participation in a ministry for at least one year of uninterrupted service within the last two years.
Note: An online reference form will be sent to the Ministry Lead of your designation.
8. Maintain regular church attendance while in school, either at NBCF, or if attending school out of the local area, under the watch care of another church congregation.
8. Maintain regular church attendance while in school, either at NBCF, or if attending school out of the local area, under the watch care of another church congregation.
9. Submission of your most recent transcript.
General Information:
- Scholarships are awarded for the ensuing academic year (September to August)
- The maximum number of years to receive an NBCF Scholarship is five.
- All application components (application, transcript, and letter of reference must be received by May 26, 2024)
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