Sunday Worship
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Worship in White: Sankofa Memorial Service and Dedication

 Worship in White: Sankofa Memorial Service and Dedication
Sunday, July 27, 2025, 12:00 AM
 Worship in White: Sankofa Memorial Service and Dedication 
Date: Sunday July 27th 9:30 am
Attire: All-White
Guest Preacher: Rev. David Ankcorn
The Sunday morning worship will be dedicated to honoring deceased pioneers of New Beginnings Christian Fellowship. 
The service will conclude with a procession out of the sanctuary to the new outdoor memorial for its official unveiling and consecration.  A fellowship meal will immediately follow. 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles,  And let us win with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Hebrews 12:1

From the letter in 2015 Pastor wrote:
The Saints in White Memorial Service is intended to honor the lives, and the gospel labors of New Beginnings members who departed this life during the first decade of our congregation's existence. (So, I would say during the first 20 years of the congregation's existence 8/7/2005 -8/3/2025)  This is our collective way of saying we have not forgotten those who helped birth our beloved church, and who also strained to advance our church both spiritually and materially.  Gardner C. Taylor quote:  "This service brings to focus the goodness of God that has been shown toward us through the lives of those whom we have lost awhile but have loved ever since."

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