Intecessory Prayer - Monthly
Last Saturday of the month, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Homeless Outreach Ministry
The Homeless Outreach Ministry addresses the needs of the least, the last and the lost by helping them with meals, shelter, and the other necessities for living. We are a major sponsor of and provide support for the Kent Hope and ARISE shelters, Terrific Tuesday Feeding Program, and spend many volunteer hours with Habitat for Humanity. Globally, New Beginnings supports the Scenery Baptist Church in East London, South Africa and our member’s sponsor hundreds of children worldwide through the Compassion International children's charity.
The Connections Ministry is a weekly small, in-home group study of the Bible and Sunday sermons, fellowship, and prayer. We desire to connect the newest members of NBCF with smaller groups where they can discover their spiritual gifts and be launched into other ministries in the church. Sis. Linda Mack states, “What I find most enjoyable about Connections is the unity I have within the group. We are a family within a family that releases our stumbling blocks. I am a better and stronger person today than I was 3 years ago and I thank GOD for leading me to my group.”
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered ministry based on eight principles from what is commonly known as the Beatitudes of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. (Matt. 5:3-12). In this ministry there is support and encouragement to help you in your recovery journey with your hurts, habits and hang-ups. Your supporters will be those who have experienced or are still struggling with some of the same issues or other items, as we all desire to live an abundant life free of our history for a joyful existence.